T1027.010: Command Obfuscation
Adversaries may obfuscate content during command execution to impede detection. Command-line obfuscation is a method of making strings and patterns within commands and scripts more difficult to signature and analyze. This type of obfuscation can be included within commands executed by delivered payloads (e.g., Phishing and Drive-by Compromise) or interactively via Command and Scripting Interpreter.
For example, adversaries may abuse syntax that utilizes various symbols and escape characters (such as spacing, ^
, +
. $
, and %
) to make commands difficult to analyze while maintaining the same intended functionality. Many languages support built-in obfuscation in the form of base64 or URL encoding. Adversaries may also manually implement command obfuscation via string splitting (“Wor”+“d.Application”
), order and casing of characters (rev <<<'dwssap/cte/ tac'
), globing (mkdir -p '/tmp/:&$NiA'
), as well as various tricks involving passing strings through tokens/environment variables/input streams.
Adversaries may also use tricks such as directory traversals to obfuscate references to the binary being invoked by a command (C:\voi\pcw\..\..\Windows\tei\qs\k\..\..\..\system32\erool\..\wbem\wg\je\..\..\wmic.exe shadowcopy delete
Tools such as Invoke-Obfuscation
and Invoke-DOSfucation
have also been used to obfuscate commands.
Positive Technologies products that cover the technique
MaxPatrol SIEM knowledge base
mitre_attck_execution: PT-CR-1087: Dangerous_Command_Usage: An attempt to execute a potentially dangerous command is detected mitre_attck_execution: PT-CR-581: Execute_Encoded_Powershell: Starting a PowerShell process or a Base64-encoded command is detected mitre_attck_defense_evasion: PT-CR-936: Obfuscated_Powershell: The usage of known obfuscation techniques in PowerShell scripts unix_mitre_attck_defense_evasion: PT-CR-1022: Unix_Suspicious_Emodji_Cmdline: Starting a process with an emoji in the start command possibly to obfuscate the code and create a bind or reverse shell mitre_attck_command_and_control: PT-CR-845: Download_Via_Encoded_Powershell: A user downloaded payload via an encoded PowerShell command mitre_attck_lateral_movement: PT-CR-1372: Remote_SSP_Dump: The use of a script from a modified Impacket toolkit is detected. This allows to remotely dump the lsass process memory. hacking_tools: PT-CR-2332: Atexec_Activity: The AtExec tool designed to run commands using scheduled Windows tasks was used hacking_tools: PT-CR-750: Cobalt_Strike_Powershell_Payload_Delivery: A user downloaded a payload using an encoded PowerShell command
ID | DS0022 | Data source and component | File: File Metadata | Description | Scripts containing obfuscated content may have higher entropy of characters/strings. |
ID | DS0012 | Data source and component | Script: Script Execution | Description | Monitor executed scripts for indicators of obfuscation and potentially suspicious command syntax, such as uninterpreted escape characters (e.g., Also monitor commands within scripts for syntax-specific signs of obfuscation, such as encoded or otherwise unreadable blobs of characters. |
ID | DS0017 | Data source and component | Command: Command Execution | Description | Monitor executed commands and arguments for indicators of obfuscation and potentially suspicious syntax such as uninterpreted escape characters (e.g., Also monitor command-lines for syntax-specific signs of obfuscation, such as variations of arguments associated with encoding. |
ID | M1040 | Name | Behavior Prevention on Endpoint | Description | On Windows 10+, enable Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) rules to block execution of potentially obfuscated scripts. |
ID | M1049 | Name | Antivirus/Antimalware | Description | Consider utilizing the Antimalware Scan Interface (AMSI) on Windows 10+ to analyze commands after being processed/interpreted. |