T1090.002: External Proxy

Adversaries may use an external proxy to act as an intermediary for network communications to a command and control server to avoid direct connections to their infrastructure. Many tools exist that enable traffic redirection through proxies or port redirection, including HTRAN, ZXProxy, and ZXPortMap. Adversaries use these types of proxies to manage command and control communications, to provide resiliency in the face of connection loss, or to ride over existing trusted communications paths to avoid suspicion.

External connection proxies are used to mask the destination of C2 traffic and are typically implemented with port redirectors. Compromised systems outside of the victim environment may be used for these purposes, as well as purchased infrastructure such as cloud-based resources or virtual private servers. Proxies may be chosen based on the low likelihood that a connection to them from a compromised system would be investigated. Victim systems would communicate directly with the external proxy on the Internet and then the proxy would forward communications to the C2 server.

Positive Technologies products that cover the technique

MaxPatrol SIEM knowledge base

mitre_attck_command_and_control: PT-CR-610: Proxy_Tools_Usage: A utility is started to proxy traffic mitre_attck_command_and_control: PT-CR-2598: Possible_Proxy_Usage: Network traffic proxying. Possible use of such utilities as Shadowsocks, NekoRay, RTUN, and Burp Suite. mitre_attck_command_and_control: PT-CR-969: Ligolo_Reverse_Tunneling: Creating a reverse tunnel using the Ligolo(-ng) utility mitre_attck_command_and_control: PT-CR-428: Possible_Network_Local_Tunnel: Attempt to connect to a remote host using a tunnel. This may indicate that the tunnel is being used for network reconnaissance, accessing local resources, or lateral movement. mitre_attck_command_and_control: PT-CR-467: Suspicious_Connection: A network request made by executable files is detected


IDDS0029Data source and componentNetwork Traffic: Network Connection CreationDescription

Monitor for newly constructed network connections that are sent or received by untrusted hosts.

IDDS0029Data source and componentNetwork Traffic: Network Traffic ContentDescription

Monitor and analyze traffic patterns and packet inspection associated to protocol(s) that do not follow the expected protocol standards and traffic flows (e.g extraneous packets that do not belong to established flows, gratuitous or anomalous traffic patterns, anomalous syntax, or structure). Consider correlation with process monitoring and command line to detect anomalous processes execution and command line arguments associated to traffic patterns (e.g. monitor anomalies in use of files that do not normally initiate connections for respective protocol(s)).

IDDS0029Data source and componentNetwork Traffic: Network Traffic FlowDescription

Monitor network data for uncommon data flows. Processes utilizing the network that do not normally have network communication or have never been seen before are suspicious.


IDM1031NameNetwork Intrusion PreventionDescription

Network intrusion detection and prevention systems that use network signatures to identify traffic for specific adversary malware can be used to mitigate activity at the network level. Signatures are often for unique indicators within protocols and may be based on the specific C2 protocol used by a particular adversary or tool, and will likely be different across various malware families and versions. Adversaries will likely change tool C2 signatures over time or construct protocols in such a way as to avoid detection by common defensive tools.