T1137.004: Outlook Home Page
Adversaries may abuse Microsoft Outlook's Home Page feature to obtain persistence on a compromised system. Outlook Home Page is a legacy feature used to customize the presentation of Outlook folders. This feature allows for an internal or external URL to be loaded and presented whenever a folder is opened. A malicious HTML page can be crafted that will execute code when loaded by Outlook Home Page.
Once malicious home pages have been added to the user’s mailbox, they will be loaded when Outlook is started. Malicious Home Pages will execute when the right Outlook folder is loaded/reloaded.
Positive Technologies products that cover the technique
MaxPatrol SIEM knowledge base
mitre_attck_persistence: PT-CR-2702: Outlook_Malicious_Actions: The most dangerous settings were changed in the Outlook client by editing registry keys. An attacker can change Outlook settings to execute arbitrary code, escalate privileges, or gain persistence in the system.
ID | DS0015 | Data source and component | Application Log: Application Log Content | Description | Monitor for third-party application logging, messaging, and/or other artifacts that may abuse Microsoft Outlook's Home Page feature to obtain persistence on a compromised system. SensePost, whose tool Ruler can be used to carry out malicious rules, forms, and Home Page attacks, has released a tool to detect Ruler usage. |
ID | DS0017 | Data source and component | Command: Command Execution | Description | Monitor executed commands and arguments that may abuse Microsoft Outlook's Home Page feature to obtain persistence on a compromised system. Microsoft has released a PowerShell script to safely gather mail forwarding rules and custom forms in your mail environment as well as steps to interpret the output. |
ID | DS0009 | Data source and component | Process: Process Creation | Description | Monitor newly executed processes that may abuse Microsoft Outlook's Home Page feature to obtain persistence on a compromised system. |
ID | M1051 | Name | Update Software | Description | For the Outlook methods, blocking macros may be ineffective as the Visual Basic engine used for these features is separate from the macro scripting engine. Microsoft has released patches to try to address each issue. Ensure KB3191938 which blocks Outlook Visual Basic and displays a malicious code warning, KB4011091 which disables custom forms by default, and KB4011162 which removes the legacy Home Page feature, are applied to systems. |
ID | M1040 | Name | Behavior Prevention on Endpoint | Description | On Windows 10, enable Attack Surface Reduction (ASR) rules to prevent Office applications from creating child processes and from writing potentially malicious executable content to disk. |