MaxPatrol SIEM

Detects cyberincidents that undermine cyber resilience of a company

T1529: System Shutdown/Reboot

Adversaries may shutdown/reboot systems to interrupt access to, or aid in the destruction of, those systems. Operating systems may contain commands to initiate a shutdown/reboot of a machine or network device. In some cases, these commands may also be used to initiate a shutdown/reboot of a remote computer or network device via Network Device CLI (e.g. reload).

Shutting down or rebooting systems may disrupt access to computer resources for legitimate users while also impeding incident response/recovery.

Adversaries may attempt to shutdown/reboot a system after impacting it in other ways, such as Disk Structure Wipe or Inhibit System Recovery, to hasten the intended effects on system availability.

Positive Technologies products that cover the technique

MaxPatrol SIEM knowledge base

vk_cloud: PT-CR-2291: VK_Cloud_Critical_VM_Operation: An untrusted user performed an operation on a critical virtual machine in VK Cloud. \nAttackers can gain access to critical virtual machines, manage them, and change their configuration, including network configuration. This allows them to interfere with the operation of critical virtual machines, disclose information stored on them, and prepare the environment for further attacks.


IDDS0013Data source and componentSensor Health: Host StatusDescription

Monitor for logging, messaging, and other artifacts highlighting the health of host sensors (ex: metrics, errors, and/or exceptions from logging applications) that may suggest the shutting down or rebooting of the system. Windows event logs may also designate activity associated with a shutdown/reboot, ex. Event ID 1074 and 6006.

IDDS0009Data source and componentProcess: Process CreationDescription

Monitor for newly executed processes of binaries involved in shutting down or rebooting systems.

IDDS0017Data source and componentCommand: Command ExecutionDescription

Monitor executed commands and arguments of binaries involved in shutting down or rebooting systems. For network devices, monitor executed commands in AAA logs, especially those run by unexpected or unauthorized users.