T1547.003: Time Providers

Adversaries may abuse time providers to execute DLLs when the system boots. The Windows Time service (W32Time) enables time synchronization across and within domains. W32Time time providers are responsible for retrieving time stamps from hardware/network resources and outputting these values to other network clients.

Time providers are implemented as dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) that are registered in the subkeys of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\W32Time\TimeProviders\. The time provider manager, directed by the service control manager, loads and starts time providers listed and enabled under this key at system startup and/or whenever parameters are changed.

Adversaries may abuse this architecture to establish persistence, specifically by creating a new arbitrarily named subkey pointing to a malicious DLL in the DllName value. Administrator privileges are required for time provider registration, though execution will run in context of the Local Service account.

Positive Technologies products that cover the technique

MaxPatrol SIEM knowledge base

mitre_attck_defense_evasion: PT-CR-1360: Suspicious_Registry_Value: Windows Registry abuse. This is often used by attackers for persistence, privilege escalation, lateral movement, defense evasion, data collection, and other malicious activity. mitre_attck_persistence: PT-CR-1346: Time_Providers_Persistence: Persistence by changing TimeProviders settings


IDDS0009Data source and componentProcess: Process CreationDescription

Monitor newly executed processes, such as the W32tm.exe utility. The Sysinternals Autoruns tool may also be used to analyze auto-starting locations, including DLLs listed as time providers.

IDDS0024Data source and componentWindows Registry: Windows Registry Key ModificationDescription

Monitor for changes made to windows registry keys and/or values modifying W32Time information in the Registry.

IDDS0011Data source and componentModule: Module LoadDescription

There is no restriction on the number of custom time providers registrations, though each may require a DLL payload written to disk.

IDDS0017Data source and componentCommand: Command ExecutionDescription

Monitor executed commands and arguments that may abuse time providers to execute DLLs when the system boots.


IDM1022NameRestrict File and Directory PermissionsDescription

Consider using Group Policy to configure and block additions/modifications to W32Time DLLs.

IDM1024NameRestrict Registry PermissionsDescription

Consider using Group Policy to configure and block modifications to W32Time parameters in the Registry.