T1555.005: Password Managers

Adversaries may acquire user credentials from third-party password managers. Password managers are applications designed to store user credentials, normally in an encrypted database. Credentials are typically accessible after a user provides a master password that unlocks the database. After the database is unlocked, these credentials may be copied to memory. These databases can be stored as files on disk.

Adversaries may acquire user credentials from password managers by extracting the master password and/or plain-text credentials from memory. Adversaries may extract credentials from memory via Exploitation for Credential Access. Adversaries may also try brute forcing via Password Guessing to obtain the master password of a password manager.

Positive Technologies products that cover the technique

MaxPatrol SIEM knowledge base

hashicorp: PT-CR-2141: Hashicorp_Vault_Infrastructure_Discovery: Attackers can perform reconnaissance of the system infrastructure to determine possible further actions mitre_attck_cred_access: PT-CR-765: Credential_Access_To_Passwords_Storage: Access to files containing credentials (browsers, password managers) is detected mitre_attck_cred_access: PT-CR-2457: Passwork_Credential_Collection: A user accessed an abnormally large number of passwords in a short period of time. This may indicate that attackers gained access to user password storage. mitre_attck_cred_access: PT-CR-769: KeePass_Keys_Extraction: Extraction of a master key from KeePass is detected


IDDS0009Data source and componentProcess: Process AccessDescription

Monitor process being accessed that may acquire user credentials from third-party password managers.

IDDS0009Data source and componentProcess: OS API ExecutionDescription

Monitor for API calls that may search for common password storage locations to obtain user credentials.

IDDS0022Data source and componentFile: File AccessDescription

Monitor file reads that may acquire user credentials from third-party password managers.

IDDS0017Data source and componentCommand: Command ExecutionDescription

Monitor executed commands and arguments that may acquire user credentials from third-party password managers.


IDM1051NameUpdate SoftwareDescription

Update password managers regularly by employing patch management for internal enterprise endpoints and servers.

IDM1054NameSoftware ConfigurationDescription

Consider re-locking password managers after a short timeout to limit the time plaintext credentials live in memory from decrypted databases.

IDM1027NamePassword PoliciesDescription

Refer to NIST guidelines when creating password policies for master passwords.