T1564.006: Run Virtual Instance

Adversaries may carry out malicious operations using a virtual instance to avoid detection. A wide variety of virtualization technologies exist that allow for the emulation of a computer or computing environment. By running malicious code inside of a virtual instance, adversaries can hide artifacts associated with their behavior from security tools that are unable to monitor activity inside the virtual instance. Additionally, depending on the virtual networking implementation (ex: bridged adapter), network traffic generated by the virtual instance can be difficult to trace back to the compromised host as the IP address and hostname might not match known values.

Adversaries may utilize native support for virtualization (ex: Hyper-V) or drop the necessary files to run a virtual instance (ex: VirtualBox binaries). After running a virtual instance, adversaries may create a shared folder between the guest and host with permissions that enable the virtual instance to interact with the host file system.

Positive Technologies products that cover the technique

MaxPatrol SIEM knowledge base

vk_cloud: PT-CR-2291: VK_Cloud_Critical_VM_Operation: An untrusted user performed an operation on a critical virtual machine in VK Cloud. Attackers can gain access to critical virtual machines, manage them, and change their configuration, including network configuration. This allows them to interfere with the operation of critical virtual machines, disclose information stored on them, and prepare the environment for further attacks.


IDDS0007Data source and componentImage: Image MetadataDescription

Consider monitoring the size of virtual machines running on the system. Adversaries may create virtual images which are smaller than those of typical virtual machines. Network adapter information may also be helpful in detecting the use of virtual instances.

IDDS0019Data source and componentService: Service CreationDescription

Monitor for newly constructed services/daemons that may carry out malicious operations using a virtual instance to avoid detection. Consider monitoring for new Windows Service, with respect to virtualization software.

IDDS0024Data source and componentWindows Registry: Windows Registry Key ModificationDescription

Monitor for changes made to Windows Registry keys and/or values that may be the result of using a virtual instance to avoid detection. For example, if virtualization software is installed by the adversary the Registry may provide detection opportunities.

IDDS0009Data source and componentProcess: Process CreationDescription

Monitor newly executed processes associated with running a virtual instance, such as those launched from binary files associated with common virtualization technologies (ex: VirtualBox, VMware, QEMU, Hyper-V).

IDDS0022Data source and componentFile: File CreationDescription

Monitor for newly constructed files associated with running a virtual instance, such as binary files associated with common virtualization technologies (ex: VirtualBox, VMware, QEMU, Hyper-V).

IDDS0017Data source and componentCommand: Command ExecutionDescription

Consider monitoring for commands and arguments that may be atypical for benign use of virtualization software. Usage of virtualization binaries or command-line arguments associated with running a silent installation may be especially suspect (ex. -silent, -ignore-reboot), as well as those associated with running a headless (in the background with no UI) virtual instance (ex. VBoxManage startvm $VM --type headless). Similarly, monitoring command line arguments which suppress notifications may highlight potentially malicious activity (ex. VBoxManage.exe setextradata global GUI/SuppressMessages "all"). Monitor for commands which enable hypervisors such as Hyper-V.


IDM1042NameDisable or Remove Feature or ProgramDescription

Disable Hyper-V if not necessary within a given environment.

IDM1038NameExecution PreventionDescription

Use application control to mitigate installation and use of unapproved virtualization software.