T1565.001: Stored Data Manipulation

Adversaries may insert, delete, or manipulate data at rest in order to influence external outcomes or hide activity, thus threatening the integrity of the data. By manipulating stored data, adversaries may attempt to affect a business process, organizational understanding, and decision making.

Stored data could include a variety of file formats, such as Office files, databases, stored emails, and custom file formats. The type of modification and the impact it will have depends on the type of data as well as the goals and objectives of the adversary. For complex systems, an adversary would likely need special expertise and possibly access to specialized software related to the system that would typically be gained through a prolonged information gathering campaign in order to have the desired impact.

Positive Technologies products that cover the technique

MaxPatrol SIEM knowledge base

supply_chain: PT-CR-1777: SupplyChain_File_Upload_To_Important_Repository: A user uploaded a file to a repository using an unusual account or new address supply_chain: PT-CR-1934: SupplyChain_TeamCity_Plugin_Modify: A plugin was used. Attackers can manipulate TeamCity plugins to upload malicious code supply_chain: PT-CR-1963: SupplyChain_TeamCity_Execution_Via_Request: The ability to remotely execute commands was enabled, and the code was executed. After receiving a TeamCity API access token, attackers can enable the rest.debug.processes.enable option which allows them to run commands on the server via POST requests supply_chain: PT-CR-1762: SupplyChain_Push_Without_Merge_Request: A user pushed changes to a branch without a merge request supply_chain: PT-CR-1761: SupplyChain_Merge_Request_Apply_Without_Approvers: Merge into a branch without approvers supply_chain: PT-CR-1760: SupplyChain_Sensitive_File_Access: A user accessed a Jfrog Artifactory system file containing sensitive information or changed a TeamCity build configuration enterprise_1c_and_bitrix: PT-CR-676: Enterprise_1C_Manipulate_Critical_Data: A critical document was changed vsphere_suspicious_user_activity: PT-CR-520: Reconfiguring_Protective_VM: A virtual machine with installed security software is reconfigured vsphere_suspicious_user_activity: PT-CR-519: Mass_Reconfiguring_Protective_VM: Multiple virtual machines with installed security software are reconfigured vulnerabilities: PT-CR-1983: Possible_CVE_2023_20198_Cisco_IOS_XE: Possible exploitation of vulnerability CVE-2023-20198 in Cisco IOS XE associated with privilege escalation by creating a new administrator account it_bastion: PT-CR-2178: SKDPUNT_Sftp_Access_Failure: SKDPU NT is registering file read or write access errors via SFTP hashicorp: PT-CR-2140: Hashicorp_Vault_Important_Secrets_Rewrite: Attackers can overwrite important secrets to disrupt availability or functionality of specific systems or gain access to them hashicorp: PT-CR-2139: Hashicorp_Vault_Important_Engines_Manipulation: Attackers can delete or change parameters of important storages (engines) to access them mitre_attck_impact: PT-CR-1840: Hosts_File_Modify: Attempt to change hosts file integrity on Windows and Linux hosts mysql_database: PT-CR-2302: MySQL_Update_Configuration: Updating the MySQL database configuration can impact the security parameters of the data stored mysql_database: PT-CR-623: MySQL_Host_Cache_Table_Truncate: Attempt to truncate a host cache table unix_mitre_attck_persistence: PT-CR-1662: Unix_Suspicious_Home_Modify: Files in the home directory of one of the users were changed microsoft_sharepoint: PT-CR-2111: Sharepoint_Critical_Data_Manipulation: An action with a critical file is performed network_devices_compromise: PT-CR-577: Cisco_ASA_Disable_Username_Hiding: Logging usernames in cleartext is enabled on Cisco ASA clickhouse: PT-CR-1563: ClickHouse_Backup: An attempt to create a backup of a DBMS object is detected clickhouse: PT-CR-1571: ClickHouse_Data_Manipulation: An attempt to modify a table critical for the DBMS is detected clickhouse: PT-CR-1576: ClickHouse_Audit_Table_Modified: An attempt to change the system.session_log or system.query_log system table is detected microsoft_exchange: PT-CR-2357: Exchange_Remove_Dismount_Mailbox_Database: Deleting or dismounting an Exchange database. This could be an attacker's attempt to disrupt availability of system and network resources. profiling: PT-CR-1033: App_1C_Enterprise_Object_Modify: A user created or modified a registry in the 1С:ERP system security_code_secret_net_lsp: PT-CR-1891: SecretNet_LSP_Export_Backup: Secret Net LSP configuration export security_code_secret_net_lsp: PT-CR-1905: SecretNet_LSP_Manipulate_Critical_Data: Changing an object under Secret Net LSP integrity control security_code_secret_net_lsp: PT-CR-1892: SecretNet_LSP_Apply_Backup: Secret Net LSP configuration replacement postgresql_database: PT-CR-1901: PostgreSQL_Update_Configuration: Updating the PostgreSQL database configuration can impact the security parameters of the data stored


IDDS0022Data source and componentFile: File ModificationDescription

Monitor for unexpected files with manipulated data in order to manipulate external outcomes or hide activity

IDDS0022Data source and componentFile: File CreationDescription

Monitor for newly constructed files in order to manipulate external outcomes or hide activity

IDDS0022Data source and componentFile: File DeletionDescription

Monitor for unexpected deletion of a file in order to manipulate external outcomes or hide activity


IDM1022NameRestrict File and Directory PermissionsDescription

Ensure least privilege principles are applied to important information resources to reduce exposure to data manipulation risk.

IDM1041NameEncrypt Sensitive InformationDescription

Consider encrypting important information to reduce an adversary’s ability to perform tailored data modifications.

IDM1029NameRemote Data StorageDescription

Consider implementing IT disaster recovery plans that contain procedures for taking regular data backups that can be used to restore organizational data. Ensure backups are stored off system and is protected from common methods adversaries may use to gain access and manipulate backups.